SURF Research Day 2025

The national conference connecting research, IT, and innovation. This year, we explore the theme 'Lights, camera, research!' between researchers and research support. Discover current and future technologies that will help you improve and push your research.

SURF Research Day 2025
Gooiland, Hilversum

SURF Research Champion Awards

SURF organises the SURF Research Champion Awards every year. The awards will be presented during Research Day 2025 on 20 May. On this page you will find who you can nominate, the nomination form, the 'why' and the hall of fame.

People talking at SURF Research Day

Why the Research Champion Awards?

When conducting research, we are becoming increasingly dependent on information technology and all the software and hardware involved. Support in the field of research data management, IT and open science plays a major role in this, because good research cannot be achieved without good support.

SURF annually presents the Research Champion Awards to give innovators of research support a platform to increase their impact and reach, and to inspire others.

All winners in the Hall of Fame

Here are the winners of past editions of the Research Champion Awards.

View the hall of fame

Who will you nominate as Research Champion 2025?

SURF Research Champions are individuals who have made a remarkable effort to support research at their institution. Nominate a colleague!

By research supporters we mean anyone who supports researchers in the field of research data management, IT and open science. In storing, managing, archiving and sharing their research data, but also with software development and advice on research applications. Think of data stewards, IT professionals, librarians or research assistants.

Our jury will choose a winner in three sectors:

  • Universities of applied sciences
  • Universities
  • Umc's & research institutes

A total of three Research Champions will thus be declared.

Nominate a colleague!

Do you have a colleague you think deserves a prize because they are always available for questions about data management? Has developed a handy intranet page where everything for research can be found? Because this colleague explained to you the importance of FAIR data or speeds up your research by pointing you to handy tools? Is your colleague a warm advocate of open data, or has designed handy flyers?

Rules of the game:

  • Anyone, regardless of position, may nominate one or more names. You can also nominate a colleague from another institution, or yourself!
  • The champion is a person, so you cannot nominate a team.
  • A jury will judge all nominations submitted. This assessment will take place on the basis of the answers given in this nomination form. So make sure your nomination is as complete as possible and add relevant links.
  • All nominees will receive a message from SURF, as they must agree to their nomination.

The deadline for submitting a nomination is 20 March 2025.

Information about the nominee
Questions about the nominee
Your information

If you have nominated someone other than yourself, please fill in your own contact details below. We may contact you for more information.

SURF values your privacy. You can find out how we use your data in our privacy statement.