How to organise educational innovation with IT?

Educational innovators who wish to help lecturers bring about educational innovation with IT will find inspiration and decision aids here. A number of higher education institutions have investigated how they enable instructors to innovate their teaching.

student met VR-bril

Based on this, points of interest and choices have been distilled that will help you bring about educational innovation with IT.

For educational innovators

Organising educational innovation with the aid of IT is so new that no one has a monopoly on wisdom. Innovation is stubborn and often contradicts 'working in line'. As an educational innovator, you cannot influence everything and it is good to be aware of this. It should be clear that the ideal organisational concept for educational innovation with IT does not exist. The best way to bring this matter to life is to work with it yourself.

Points for attention and choices with far-reaching consequences

Educational institutions face choices with far-reaching consequences if they are serious about organising educational innovation with IT. We will explain the most crucial points for consideration and choices. All the considerations are the result of interviews with a number of higher education institutions. The best choice is not found here, but the motivation behind the choices made by the pioneers is.

Getting started with educational innovation with IT

These pages provide inspiration and help you make choices when it comes to organising educational innovation with IT. SURF's Knowledge file for online and blended learning (in Dutch) is also a source of information. Institutions can also share knowledge about supporting instructors within the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Blended Learning (in Dutch); this SIG has set up a special working group on this topic.

More information

Take a look at the practical examples of 5 institutions if you want to know in more detail how the institutions interviewed organise educational innovation using IT. You can also read all about it in the 'Choice aid for supporting educational innovation with IT' (PDF, in Dutch).