That made not only us, but also the whole room realise that we really need to change the base. Especially as the future focuses on student-centred learning.
Reports and publications
In 2012, SURF developed a vision for digital learning environments called component vision. In it, we present the digital learning environment as 'the whole of systems, organised by an institution, aimed at teaching and learning'. In 2022, together with 30 experts, SURF developed a report on the impact of developments within education and technology on the digital learning environment.
For the reassessment of the vision of the digital learning environment, SURF also developed two working forms. These tools can be used if you want to start re-evaluating or developing the DLO vision yourself. Would you like to know more about this? Then get in touch.
Setting up the digital learning environment
SURF developed a publication that addresses common components of the educational vision and what they mean for the design of the learning environment.
Technology digital learning environment
Find out in the publication below what data and functionalities of the components in the digital learning environment exist, how they are interrelated and what standards are needed for them to work together as one.
See also wiki for technical workbook
SURF developed a demo environment for the personal and flexible learning environment. In 2017 and 2018, several suppliers and institutions have already been working on this. A number of suppliers tried to get their products working in pilots by finding a solution to the integration issues that arise when linking to the modular learning environment. They have done this in the SURF demo environment in which relevant standards such as LTI, xAPI, LIS, OOAPI, SAML/VOOT, can be implemented and tested.
Discover the lessons learned from the SURF demo modular learning environment
SURF has developed an LTI-launcher that makes it possible to launch LTI applications from multiple places within the digital learning environment. With the LTI-launcher, SURF wants to show that it is also possible to start LTI applications from, for example, an own portal.
Open standards play an important role within digital learning environments. Watch the video below to get an insight into the most commonly used open standards in the digital learning environment.
Procurement digital learning environment
SURF developed a manual for the procurement of components for the digital learning environment. This guide explains when tendering is necessary, the main features of tendering, and the procedures an institution can choose from. We also discuss innovative procurement strategies and points for attention when procuring cloud services.
SURF produced an infographic showing how institutions are currently designing their digital learning environment. You will also discover the effect of corona measures and institutions' plans for the future. View the overview of the most frequently used applications in 2020.
Further development of digital learning environment
In the publication below, you will read how to use user feedback to improve the user experience in compound learning environments. You will also discover the lessons learned from institutions that have been working on this topic for some time.
In the themed issue below, five institutions show how they keep their digital learning environment up to date and the lessons learned. You can also read about the steps you can take to achieve a well-designed learning environment.
How do you achieve an optimal user experience of the modular digital learning environment? This is a challenge for many institutions. The guide below tells you which elements influence the user experience. It will help you optimise the user experience of your own learning environment.
Educational Applications Project
Getting a better grip on your educational institution's application landscape? That is important for your institution, but also for your users who use many educational applications. With the educational applications project, SURF is looking for a joint solution to share information about applications via a platform.