Self-sovereign identity

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a new paradigm in identity management. SURF has been researching it for several years. We look at aspects such as applicability, functionality, technology and privacy. Read more about SSI and what we are doing and have already done here.
student met laptop - Kees Rutten

The power of self-sovereign identity is that users are in control: they decide for themselves with whom they share their data. This fits seamlessly with the public value of autonomy, which is why we think SSI is such an important theme at SURF.

Foto Niels van Dijk

Niels van Dijk


Identity & access management, or IAM for short, is an area of expertise that is high on the agenda in education and research. There are more and more applications and platforms available to us, and most of them cannot use them without our digital identity.


SURF Communities

Trust en identity

Samen met instellingen regelen we veilige en gemakkelijke toegang tot diensten. Dat doen we voor studenten, docenten en onderzoekers. We delen kennis en innoveren met nieuwe concepten. Wil jij deelnemen aan deze community? Word lid van deze community door in te loggen met je instellingsaccount en je aan te melden.