Smart campus
The smart campus is one that learns by itself how to best support its "occupants". We create the desired situation in buildings based on data collected through sensors, automatically for education and research.
Internet of things

No matter what kind of equipment you work with, you can always connect.

Thomas Esman

Thomas Esman


Smart campus

The smart campus is one that learns for itself how best to support its "inhabitants", researching and teaching the Netherlands. A smart campus is set up using sensors, data storage, data analysis, artificial intelligence (and, of course, natural intelligence) in particular. SURF is working with institutions to further investigate and develop the added value of the smart campus concept.

What challenges do institutions face?

In the Smart Campus pilot, we are investigating how to make buildings automatically create the desired situation for education and research based on data collected via sensors. And that is necessary, because the need for personalised education and shared laboratories is growing. And this also requires the campus to innovate. This involves questions such as "where is now a quiet, warm, oxygen-rich study area", "what is the best situation and environment for this student to take exams in", "how many extra square metres do we need on campus" and "when and where can this research best be carried out".

What is SURF doing with Smart campus?

With these developments in mind, SURF started a pilot at the Zerniketerrein of the University of Groningen and the Hanzehogeschool. SURF also started the wayfinding pilot with NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences.