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Share your knowledge on the Privacy Expertise Centre: knowledge platform for and by privacy professionals in education and research

Are you a privacy professional in education and research? Then check out the Privacy Expertise Centre. Here you will find guides, policies and templates you can use to increase privacy within your institution. The platform is still under development. So if you want to share your knowledge and experience, or participate in working groups, you are more than welcome!

Privacy Week

SURF is putting the Privacy Expertise Centre live ahead of European Privacy Day on Saturday 28 January 2024. A day to focus international attention on the protection of personal data and privacy. In the week leading up to this day, various activities will be organised nationwide and publications will be shared.

Purpose Privacy Expertise Centre

In recent weeks, a lot of work has been done on the Privacy Expertise Centre (PEC). The purpose of the PEC is to help institutions ensure the protection of personal data and increase privacy in the sector. In this partnership (for and by institutions, SURF and external partners), we combine, develop and unlock privacy knowledge and expertise on a single platform.

Think along!

The platform is still under development. So are you a privacy professional and would you like to join one of the working groups working on relevant privacy themes, or share templates and/or other (knowledge) products and experience? Then contact us at

To the Privacy Expertise Centre

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