
Single digital identity for education and research

Students want to shape their own educational careers. This creates logistical and administrative challenges. With eduID, students have an institution-independent digital identity they can use at any educational institution: before, during and after their studies.

Studente met laptop bij een mbo-instelling


Reducing administrative burden

Reducing the administrative burden created by increasing flexibilisation, student mobility, institutional cooperation and lifelong development.

Reliable identity

Provide reliable access to groups such as prospects, outside students, external researchers, internship supervisors, guest lecturers, alumni or professionals.

Replaces institution account: recognise both own and external students

eduID will eventually replace an institution's accounts and then provide harmonisation in recognising 'external' and 'internal' students.

Single identity for access to education

With eduID, an end user can access education with a single account; similar to what DigiD is for accessing government services.

Have a question about eduID? Get in touch.

Foto van Peter Clijsters

Peter Clijsters

What does eduID mean for education?

eduID plays a role in making education more flexible: students want more freedom to put together their own curriculum, both within and outside their own educational institution. With eduID, they can easily register for a subject or minor at other educational institutions. It also contributes to lifelong development because students can use their eduID to follow programmes and courses at institutions even after their studies. Finally, eduID makes it easier for institutions to give external people, such as guest lecturers, researchers and external advisors, access to applications relevant to them with their eduID.

Applications eduID

Student mobility via eduXchange

With an eduID, students can register for a course at another institution with a single click. They do so on the platform.

edu badges

More and more students want to study in smaller units. They must therefore be certified separately. This can be done with edubadges: digital visual badges that include information about the course taken and the number of ECTS credits. edubadges are assigned to the eduID.

eduID in research

In research, eduID is used to give researchers without an institutional account access to research services, such as SURF Research Cloud and iRODS. For example, when research collaborations consist of researchers from different companies participating in university research projects. Or when citizens (under the banner of 'citizen science') need access, for example to supply data for research projects.

Webinars eduID

eduID: what is it and what can you do with it?

In webinar, SURF, the LDE Alliance and Npuls give an introductory webinar on eduID: what is it and what can you do with it?

Getting started with eduID

In this webinar, Peter Clijsters (project manager eduID) and Peter Havekes (technical product manager eduID) will use practical examples to show you how to implement eduID technically.

What are the advantages of an eduID for students?

  • Easier and more flexible education at another institution, as eduID makes the administrative process much easier.
  • Gain insight into and control over their own data. Think of personal data and courses taken.
  • Keep a permanent overview of education, also after graduation.
  • Access education with 1 account; similar to what DigiD is for accessing government services.

eduID and Npuls

eduID also plays a role in the National Growth Fund programme Npuls, namely in the Digital Sector Facilities component and in Agile organised education. The aim of Npuls is to improve the quality of education, increase the agility of education and improve the digital skills of lecturers and learners. Together with Npuls, SURF ensures broad roll-out of eduID in Dutch education and research.

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