Online & blended education
The quality of education gets a big boost when the possibilities of online education are combined with face-to-face education on campus. Therefore, there is plenty of experimentation with new online teaching formats and techniques to improve education for students.
Studenten aan een tafel achter hun laptops
Sjieuwke Dankert

Sjieuwke Dankert



If you are looking for knowledge sharing, SURF communities is the place to find people working on blended education or educational innovation with ICT. Share your knowledge and get to know other experts within the various Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

Online Education Questionnaire

Follow the Online Education Questionnaire for knowledge, tips and examples on online and blended education. Below is a preview with articles and webinars that have been published. You can also follow the Online Education Questionnaire on Linkedin.

Or get in touch with experts from our Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

Overview of interesting articles about blended education

And there is much more to read about online and blended education on the Online Education Questionnaire.

Overview of webinars on online and blended education

Or watch all webinars in the playlist on the youtube channel of the Online Education Questionnaire.

Open Collaboration and other initiatives configuration institutions

Collaboration and other initiatives

We also seek cooperation with various activities in the Acceleration Plan for Educational Innovation with ICT, including within the Zones Teacher Professionalisation, Flexibilisation and Digital (Open) Learning Resources. But also with the working groups Remote Testing and Digital Education in Practical Skills.

For instance, the Teacher Professionalisation zone developed several living labs. These are work packages with experimental professionalisation activities where teachers and support staff develop and work on specific educational innovations with ICT. Read more about the Living Lab (shaping) Blended education here. They also have a Living Lab for (Digital) Formative Testing, a Digital Peer Feedback Lab and a Learning Analytics Lab.

On, a page of the Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (NRO), you can find knowledge from scientific research. View insights on blended learning and internships and practical learning here.