Starting with edubadges

Do you want to start issuing edubadges to students within your mbo, hbo or woinstitution? The first step is to connect your institution to the edubadges platform. Then you can start using edubadges. Steps 2 to 5 explain how to use edubadges for a specific course, or within a faculty, department or your entire institution.

Twee studenten in een open hal met een laptop

Tutorials and concepts edubadges

With the tutorials below, all different target groups can get started with edubadges. You will also find a glossary here.

Glossary edubagdes

The following concepts are relevant when getting started with issuing digital certificates with the edubadges service:

  • Three roles are distinguished:

    1. Publisher of the edubadge - this refers to the issuing institution ('issuer')

    2. Recipient of the edubadge - this refers to the 'learner'

    3. Reader of the edubadge - this is, for example, the employer or an institution other than the issuer that verifies the edubadge.

  • Institution: the institution issuing the edubadges.
  • Issuer group: this can be a subdivision or subcategory and contains a clustering of different issuers. In the edubadges platform, issuer groups are clustered under the issuing institution.
  • Issuer: the organisational unit of the institution issuing the edubadge. In the edubadges platform, issuers are clustered under issuer groups.
  • Badge class: the description of the badge to be obtained, created by the issuer. The badge class is a template in which the issuer describes what the badge entails; for example, the name of the course, programme or skill, the assessment criteria (what must the student meet to receive the badge?), information about the issuer, the value of the badge and any standards or agreements to which the badge is related (e.g. the number of ECTS credits that can be earned with it).
  • Edubadge: a digital certificate issued by a Dutch educational or research institution to a specific person (student or employee) to confirm that certain knowledge or skills have been demonstrably acquired. Via SURF's edubadges platform, edubadges are issued for both accredited education and extra-curricular activities.
  • Edubadges backpack: The backpack is the place for learners to receive and collect edubadges. From the backpack, edubadges can be shared with others.
  • Edubadges catalogue: The catalogue within the edubadges service shows all badge classes of all institutions using edubadges.
  • Issuing edubadges can be done in 2 ways:
  1. On request from the learner; the lecturer sends a link to the learner with which the badge can be requested. We also call this On request or via enrolment/registration'..
  2. On the lecturer's initiative; the lecturer indicates in the system that his/her learners deserve the edu badge. The learners receive a confirmation email. We call this 'direct award'. This way involves claiming and the claim rate:
  • Claiming: the learner 'claims' his/her edubadges; he/she accepts his/her edubadges by placing the edubadge in his/her backpack from the confirmation email received.
  • Claim rate: the percentage of learners who have claimed edubadges. This says something about the value learners place on the badge. With a 100% claim rate, it is clear that learners like the edubadge.
  • EduID: The edubadges platform uses eduID. It is an identity that the learner can use for educational matters for a lifetime.You link your eduID to your institution (for the period you study there). Through the link with your institution, your name is retrieved. This ensures that the edu badge belongs to the right person. In addition, the institution can only place edu badges in a backpack if the learner is linked.
    • Via the eduID portal( the eduID can be managed; i.e. here you can view your eduID, change your e-mail address and see which (institution's) account you have linked to.
Tutorials for students
Tutorials for consulters (e.g. employers)

Or check the edubadgeswiki for all the instructional material: