SURF Network Day

The SURF Network Day is the event that connects network technology and innovation and where you will be updated on trends in wired and wireless networking. The next edition will take place in 2025.

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Review SURF Network Day 2023

On Tuesday 20 June, the 2023 edition of the SURF Network Day took place at the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht. The theme was'The bottom layer up'. The event on topics related to network technology. The bottom layer of a network, the technology, was reflected in all parts of this day.

Spoorwegmuseum SURF netwerkdag

Some 220 visitors discussed trends around network technology, saw real-life demos and attended inspiring sessions.

Also read: The five key insights from the SURF Network Day 2023.

External speakers:

AI will not replace your job, but someone using AI will - Marco van der Werf, BIT

By embracing AI, you can improve your own efficiency, innovation and creativity. In this session, Marco van de Werf will show how you can use a proactive approach to harness the power of AI to not only protect your career, but also thrive in a world increasingly driven by advanced technology.

Marco van de Werf, Thought leader bij BIT

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Boundless music-making - Bert Kremer, ArtEZ University of the Arts

The audio studios in different locations of ArtEZ are permanently connected virtually, allowing unlimited jamming without delay on the network. Bert Kremer shares his experience with this conservatoire's virtual music studio.

Bert Kremer, Head of ICT at ArtEZ University of the Arts

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Forum Groningen; meeting place for everyone - Richard de Vries, Forum Groningen

The Forum in Groningen should become the new meeting place for city dwellers, local residents, students and tourists. Super nice of course, but what about the ICT facilities? Wifi for students and portal access for tourists, to name but two. Richard de Vries takes you through the challenges of his ict department.

Richard de Vries, ICT project manager at Forum Groningen

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Endpoint Security: Straight through the middle - Thijs van Tilborg, IT Architect Hogeschool Utrecht

Endpoint security is more than just a virus scanner. Thijs van Tilborg, IT Architect at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, reveals his experience of switching to a modern holistic approach. He explains how the Hogeschool recognises different endpoints and how this approach has significantly improved security. But beware, this new approach also brings challenges!

Thijs van Tilborg, IT Architect at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

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Developments in international research and education infrastructure - Bram Peeters, GÉANT

Education and research are internationally oriented. GÉANT's network connects all of Europe's research and education networks with each other and with the world. In recent years, GÉANT has invested heavily in cooperation with national networks, such as SURF. In this session, you will get a look at what the new network looks like, why it is important and what is coming up.

Bram Peeters, Chief Network Operations Officer at GÉANT

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Top-speed wifi at the F1 Dutch GP - Raymond Hendrix, WiFi Wise International

During the F1 Dutch GP, particularly high speeds will be reached! Not only on the road but also on the network. Raymond Hendrix takes you into the wonderful world of event WiFi during the grand prix in Zandvoort.

Raymond Hendrix, CWNP Instructor at WiFi Wise International

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The daily puzzle of network management and monitoring - Jan Martijn Metselaar, Quanza

The daily puzzle of securing network services so that they work end-to-end is, a wonderful challenge. How do we do that in such a large network as SURF's? What is involved in keeping an overview? How do we manage all those relationships of physical and virtual environments?

During this session, Jan Martijn Metselaar talks about how tooling is used, the importance of consistent data and the impact of new developments such as network function virtualisation.

Jan Martijn Metselaar, Director technology at Quanza

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High-speed cybersecurity: the need for resilient infrastructure - Jasper Hammink, NS Cybersecurity

With more than 1 million passengers daily, security is an important issue at and for NS. Various measures protect both systems and passengers from cyber attacks. However, cybersecurity is not a static field and constant adjustments need to be made to the ever-changing field. Thereby, cybersecurity is not only a technical problem, but also a human problem. And all this to keep a train full of passengers moving safely at high speed across the Dutch railway network.

Jasper Hammink talks about how NS is making railways safer and more resilient in today's digital age.

Jasper Hammink, Senior Information Security Officer and Teamlead at NS Cybersecurity

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Hey SURF, what time is it? - Sander Klemann, SURF | Peter Jansweijer, Nikhef | André Gunst, Astron

Hey SURF, what time is it? To the nanoseconds with respect to UTC(NL) please. We will soon be able to answer this question with the results of the SURFtime & frequency pilot and the White Rabbit protocol.

Our speakers will update you on the SURFtime & frequency pilot, how the White Rabbit protocol came into being and how Nikhef contributes to international further development with CERN, among others. We will also show how Astron uses the TFT in practice to synchronise their radio telescopes.

Sander Klemann, SURF | Peter Jansweijer, Nikhef | André Gunst, Astron

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SURF-Lego Sessions:

SURF Lego - Network services

SURF's (technical) product managers update you on the latest developments in our network services portfolio. From internet and Ethernet to SURFfirewall on the border and L3VPN solutions for multicloud.

Sander Klemann, Elleke Arnold and Max Mudde, Network experts at SURF

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SURF Lego - Campus services

SURF's campus portfolio is evolving into a coherent whole under the term CNaaS (campus network as a service). In this session, our (technical) product managers will update you on the latest developments of SURFwireless and SURFwired, eduroam and iotroam, the campus version of SURFfirewall and much more.

Maurice van den Akker, Thomas Esman and Edwin Verheul, Network experts at SURF

Presentation CNAAS: Campus network as a service 

Presentation SURFwired

Presentation iotroam

SURF Lego - Architecture

Automation and orchestration have brought huge improvements to the latest generation of the SURF network (SURFnet8). In this session, the network's architects and developers will update you on the latest developments in our network architecture. Here you will hear all about orchestration, virtualisation, the network dashboard and campus network automation.

Peter Boers, Technical Product Manager Network Orchestration at SURF

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