HBO Kennisbank

Use publications for your teaching materials or research

In the HBO Kennisbank, you will find more than 60,000 publications by professors, lecturer-researchers and students of universities of applied sciences. Reuse them to improve your own research or teaching. Of course, you can also upload your own work to inspire others.
Open bibliotheek met hele hoge boekenwand en werkende studenten


More than 60,000 open access publications

Easy search of college articles, research papers and theses, mostly open access available.

Accessible to all

The HBO Kennisbank is free for anyone to consult.

Inspiration for your teaching materials or research

Wide range of publications within 13 subject areas: discover publications on your topic.

Sharing your own work with the community

If your institution is a member of the HBO Knowledge Bank, you can also make your own work openly available.

Do you have a question about HBO Kennisbank? Get in touch.

Martine Teirlinck-Hermsen

Martine Teirlinck-Hermsen


What is HBO Kennisbank?

HBO Kennisbank offers free access to research publications and graduation products of more than 25 participating universities of applied sciences and makes them available for reuse. With HBO Kennisbank, we facilitate knowledge exchange between research, education, business and professional life and society. It is free for anyone to consult; you do not have to be affiliated with a university of applied sciences. So browse through theHBO Kennisbank and discover which publications have already appeared on your subject.

Would you like to share a publication yourself? See if your institution participates in the HBO Kennisbank and find out who can further help you share your own work.

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