IT procurement

Joint purchasing on the best terms

You can buy IT products and services yourself, but this takes a lot of time, knowledge and money. You can also use one of SURF's procurement options. We combine the demand and needs of institutions and purchase software and hardware on that basis. On the best possible terms, of course.
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Best (price) conditions

By bundling volume, we buy at the best (price) conditions. You not only save on licence fees, but also on internal costs because you do not have to start a procurement process yourself.

Current laws and regulations

We also make agreements with vendors on privacy and security so that all your contracts comply with current laws and regulations.

Contract management

We stay in constant contact with the vendor. Think of contract management, but we also monitor whether vendors still meet the requirements of the procurement process or the GDPR.

Knowledge sharing

By working intensively together, institutions exchange experience, knowledge and capacity.

Single point of contact

Since we take care of all the steps in the process for you, you can come to us with all your questions, allowing you to focus on better and more flexible education.

Have a question about ict procurement? Get in touch.

Maaike Hazewinkel

Maaike Hazewinkel

Tender processes

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Through a European portal, we announce our intention to procure a particular service on behalf of the institutions. All interested vendors can submit a tender. Based on predetermined evaluation criteria, we choose a winner.

Want to read more about procurement processes? Then take a look at this page on European tendering.

Model contract

Sander Engelberts (OCLC ) en Rogier de Jong (VUmc)

We make agreements with a provider, for instance on price, privacy and liability. We preferably do this on behalf of an interested institution. A model contract results from these agreements as the basis for the standard available model contract, which we offer free of charge.

Curious about the conditions for a model contract? Then take a look at this page where we discuss model contracts in more detail.


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A DPS stands for 'Dynamic Purchasing System'. It is an electronic marketplace where a contracting authority can issue a call for tender and market players can then bid for it. The contract goes to the best tender. We assess whether vendors bidding for a tender are admitted to the DPS. Your institution places a functional request for a product category independently in the DPS and receives bids from vendors within this product category. Your institution then evaluates these tenders itself and decides with which vendor to conclude an agreement. We offer support in this process.

Want to know more about how a DPS works? Check out the benefits and current product categories, among other things, on our in-depth page about a DPS.

Which procurement method suits you?

We would like to provide all institutions, regardless of size, with appropriate procurement solutions. We offer three different procurement options: tender processes, model contracts and the DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System). Watch the video for the different options.

Purchasing opportunities

Depending on the demand from institutions and the supply in the market, SURF chooses the most suitable procurement option for each application. We are happy to explain these three options to you.

More information?

On our expertise page, you will find more information on purchasing options.