Procurement & contracting
We buy ict and content on the best possible terms and make sure you can use it easily. We also support you in procurement processes we carry out jointly for institutions.
Close-up handen man achter laptop met bomen en planten op de achtergrond

We aggregate the demand and need at institutions and purchase software and hardware on this basis.

Maaike Hazewinkel

Maaike Hazewinkel


Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Vendors that meet a set of criteria can offer standard products and services in the 'shop window' within certain product categories. Read more about the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) here.

What is a Dynamic Purchasing System?

Vendors that meet a set of criteria can offer standard products and services in the 'shop window' within certain product categories. For the defined product categories, SURF puts a tender in the market to set up a DPS. We assess whether the vendors who bid for this tender are admitted to the DPS. Your institution independently places a functional request for a product category in the DPS and receives quotations from the vendors within that product category. Your institution then evaluates these tenders itself and decides with which vendor to conclude an agreement. The assessment is made on the basis of a predetermined assessment system. SURF provides support in this process. Ordering the product and/or service is done via My SURF, as is invoicing.

Benefits of the DPS via SURF

  • The DPS is flexible: institutions can decide individually during the entire term of the DPS whether and when to join and make a request. For example, after an already existing contract expires.
  • (New) vendors can also be admitted during the term of the DPS.
  • Institutions can enter on an individual basis, but also in a group with several institutions (buyer groups) in order to negotiate a more competitive price through volume bundling. Both individual purchase and purchase through buyer groups are possible above (and below) the tender limit.
  • Low threshold, because suppliers are only admitted after meeting the pre-set admission criteria
  • Your institution does not have to carry out a complex tendering process, but simply requests a tender;
  • A short lead time, with a minimum of 10 days between placing the order and receiving quotes.
  • A diversity of vendors within this marketplace allowing you to solicit competitive quotes.
  • You have the ability to request the specific needs of your own institution.

Huidige DAS productcategorieën

  • Videosoftware
    SURF is een DAS gestart voor de productcategorie ‘videosoftware’ vanwege de behoefte aan flexibiliteit bij onze leden. De aanleiding hiervoor was het toegenomen gebruik van verschillende softwareoplossingen om onderwijs op afstand mogelijk te maken.
  • SURFcumulus
    SURFcumulus biedt instellingen de mogelijkheid om via een DAS rechtmatig gebruik te maken van clouddiensten. Daarnaast worden aanvullende diensten aangeboden, om de stap naar de cloud, het gebruik en beheer eenvoudiger te maken. Bekijk voor meer informatie de webpagina SURFcumulus |

Voordelen van het DAS via SURF

De voordelen van het Dynamisch Aankoopsysteem op hoofdlijnen:

  • Het DAS is flexibel: instellingen kunnen individueel tijdens de gehele looptijd van het DAS bepalen of, en wanneer zij instappen en een uitvraag doen. Bijvoorbeeld nadat een al bestaand contract afloopt.
  • (Nieuwe) leveranciers kunnen ook tijdens de looptijd van het DAS worden toegelaten.
  • Instellingen kunnen op individuele basis instappen, maar ook in een groep met meerdere instellingen (buyer groups) om zo door volumebundeling een scherpere prijs te bedingen. Zowel individuele afname als die via buyer groups is mogelijk boven (en onder) de aanbestedingsgrens.
  • Het is laagdrempelig, doordat de leveranciers alleen worden toegelaten nadat zij voldoen aan de vooraf gestelde toelatingscriteria.
  • Je instelling hoeft geen complex aanbestedingstraject uit te voeren, maar vraagt eenvoudig een offerte uit.
  • Een korte doorlooptijd, waarbij de periode tussen het plaatsen van de opdracht en het ontvangen van offertes minimaal 10 dagen is.
  • Een diversiteit aan leveranciers binnen deze marktplaats waardoor je concurrerende offertes kunt uitvragen.
  • Je hebt de mogelijkheid om de specifieke behoefte van je eigen instelling uit te vragen. 

The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

When can you use the DPS?

The use of the DPS does not depend on the contract value. You can use the DPS for products and services that are standardly available on the market (i.e. not products with complex implementations but Commercial Off The Shelf solutions).

To make use of the DPS, we ask you to agree a number of arrangements with SURF. These agreements are set out in the participation statement and concern the facilitation of the DPS, the execution of the offer (registration request), the ordering of the products and services via My SURF and the supplier and contract management.

To make the DPS attractive to admitted vendors, we also ask you to indicate when you would like to use the DPS and provide an estimate of the budget you need to purchase the products and services. Before you are admitted to the DPS, you will receive the necessary information from SURF in the form of tutorials, webinars and documents so that you can make an offer in the DPS with a quick start.

For more information on the DPS, check out this Q&A.

Current DPS product categories

  • Video software
    SURF has launched a DPS for the 'video software' product category in view of its members' need for more flexibility within procurement projects. The reason for this is the increased use of various software solutions to enable distance education.

Vendors DPS video learning from 20 October 2023

  Codific Duppal Panopto Sonic Ubicast Yuja ZVC Netherlands Kaltura Blended Communication
Lecture capture     x x x x   x  
Video content management system x   x x x x   x x
Studio production software     x x x     x  
DIY productions     x x x x   x  
User-generated content x   x x x x   x  
Video didateic enriching software     x x x x   x x
Virtual reality software       x       x  
Augmented reality software               x  
Live steam of video content x x x x x x x x x
Storage of video content x x x x x x x x x
Digital rights management       x   x   x  
Accessibility tooling of video content     x x x x   x x
Performance reporting statistics for VL     x x x x   x x

Vendors DPS video conferencing as of 20 October 2023

  Codific Duppal Panopto Sonic Ubicast Yuja ZVC Netherlands Kaltura Blended Communication
High quality auto & HD video conferencing   x x       x x x
Screen sharing & remote control VC x x x       x x x
Session recording VC x x x   x   x x x
Break-out sessions VC   x         x x x
Virtual classrooms VC   x         x x x
Virtual white boards   x         x x x
Video survey and interaction x x x x x   x x x
Keyhole surgery   x           x  
Accessibility tooling   x x x x x x x x
Dynamic presentation features   x   x x   x x x
Performance reporting statistics   x x x x   x x x
Polls x x   x x x x x x
  • SURFcumulus
    SURFcumulus offers institutions the possibility to legitimately use cloud services via a DPS. It also offers additional services to make the step to the cloud, its use and management easier. Read more about SURFcumulus here .

For questions about the DPS, please contact procurement department,