SURF Data Repository

Makes large datasets findable and accessible

Have you completed your research and do you want to make the research data available to others? SURF Data Repository offers reliable and long-term storage of large datasets (>1TB) on tape.
Files by Nick Lockey via Flickr


Make your data FAIR

Research data become findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable after the completion of a research project. Community metadata schemas enable communities to publish according to community guidelines and practices.

Easy to use

You can upload and download datasets up to a certain size yourself via the web interface.

Easy to combine with our computing services

The repository is close to our computing services, so available data can be processed quickly. With its own 'landing page', the data are findable and accessible.

Do you have a question about SURF Data Repository? Get in touch.

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How does it work?

Using metadata and possible structuring of files and relationships, each individual dataset gets its own so-called landing page containing all data known about the dataset. Each dataset and its associated files are given permanent, unique numbers (persistent identifiers) in the form of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and EPIC PIDs (for files). These can be used in new publications.

You simply transfer your data to the Data Repository by logging into the web interface and uploading your files. Is your dataset too large to get to us via a browser? Then you can move your data efficiently and quickly using the REST API, or indirectly via SURF's Data Archive using various supported protocols. If necessary, after uploading and structuring the data and supplying metadata, SURF's advisers will help you get the data into the repository.

Is my dataset eligible for this service?

SURF Data Repository is designed for publishing large datasets: research data totalling several TBs to PBs in size. For smaller datasets, please refer to DANS and/or 4TU. In a European context, you can also use the data services of EUDAT or CERN.

If your group or institute would like to publish several datasets of different sizes, please inquire about the possibilities. If you want to be sure whether your dataset is eligible for this service, check the Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) website and use the decision tool. RDNL is a collaboration between DANS, 4TU and SURF.

Security and data protection

  • This service is ISO 27001 certified
  • HTTPS web interface and access tokens for REST API use
  • Defined access roles
  • We store two copies of the data for redundancy.

User information

(Photo: Nick Lockey)