Almost everyone in education has to deal with copyright laws and regulations. This can be, for instance, when you use a quote in an article, or when you want to use a video during a lecture. But also when you post a thesis in a database. Are you aware enough of the rights of the material you use?
All about copyright issues offers you 1 central place to go for reliable information on copyright issues and related laws and regulations. You will find legal information, practical resources and tools.

Up-to-date legal information
Up-to-date website that is regularly updated.
Clear explanation of important aspects of copyright law
Almost everyone in education has to deal with it, so clear explanations about copyright are important.
Practical resources and tools
Practical information on and support for copyright issues in education.
Independent of publishers and foundations
Developed in collaboration with the NAI-hbo.
Do you have a question about Get in touch.
Copyright in education
The APA guidelines: a practical guide
Together with the APA Working Group, we have compiled the manual 'The APA guidelines explained, a practical guide to source citation in higher education'. The manual was produced with the permission of the American Psychological Association (APA) - view in Dutch.
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