Open network exchange for EVPN
NetherLight is a crucial node (Global eXchange Point, GXP) for internet traffic between education and research networks. It is an open network exchange that connects education and research communities (at home and abroad) to each other and to the services of many cloud providers for the benefit of Dutch education and research.

High-speed links for research
Deploy NetherLight for high-speed connectivity at home and abroad for research purposes, including transatlantic 100 and 400 Gbit/s light path connectivity.800 Gbit/s will become available in 2024.
NetherLight uses the latest technology and leads the world in this.This has great advantages for SURF member institutions.
Excellent international connectivity
Fast international connections to Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, Oman, the US and Canada, among others, and to many cities within Europe. Many NREN exchange traffic with each other through NetherLight.
Reliable connectivity via EVPN
With NetherLight, we have a lot of experience in sharing big data with other parties via EVPN.
Access to cloud providers' services
All educational and research institutions connected to the SURF network can set up EVPN-connections to service providers of computing, storage and telephony, among others.
What is NetherLight?
NetherLight is a crucial hub for international internet traffic between education and research networks.
Who is NetherLight suitable for?
NetherLight is operated by SURF. It is an open network exchange in which any party may participate and link unlimitedly with other participating parties. NetherLight is for:
The (international) education and research community
Connect to other (research) networks worldwide. If your organisation has a Multi Service Port (MSP), easily connect to parties on NetherLight using the available bandwidth on that MSP.
Providers of services like IaaS and storage
Through one connection to NetherLight, cloud providers are connected to several networks, including SURF's network for education and research.
More on NetherLight
Read more in-depth information about NetherLight, how to connect to NetherLight, NetherLight participants, research with NetherLight and about 100 and 400 Gbit/s connections.