Digital testing
The testing landscape is evolving rapidly. The demand for digital testing is rising rapidly and the diversity of testing forms is also increasing rapidly. The testing process is becoming increasingly interwoven with the educational process, with testing becoming a learning moment rather than a point of accountability.
Een lege zaal waar digitaal getoetst wordt
Annette Peet (2023)

Annette Peet


Vision development digital testing

The design of the testing landscape is highly differentiated, as (digital) testing visions vary widely. Each institution has its own unique composition of the testing landscape. It is important to understand the visions and the choices that follow from them, so that we can properly support our members.

Last year, the Acceleration Plan developed the document Future Perspectives on Digital Testing and developed the Vision Tool for Testing, which helps institutions clarify their vision for digital testing and assessment. The technical support that the testing process requires strongly depends on the choices an institution makes about the future of testing. Therefore, we promote this vision tool and encourage institutions through knowledge sharing and community building to get started with the tool. For inspiration, we collect visions from universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences.