About SURF
SURF is the ICT cooperative of Dutch education and research institutions. The members, the owners of SURF, join forces to develop or procure the best possible digital services, work together on complex innovation issues and develop and share knowledge with each other.
SURF Cooperative

There is a growing awareness in society and education that the deployment of intelligent technology requires reflection and guidance to exploit opportunities and manage risks, which the technology also entails.

icoon team



Coordinating SURF Contact, special interest groups

Each SURF member institution has its own representative at SURF: the Coordinating SURF Contact Person (CSC). This contact person streamlines and coordinates communication between their own institution and SURF. The CSC is appointed by the institution's board.

SURF brings IT-professionals together within networks and collaboration projects for knowledge sharing on IT-innovation. Experts from educational institutions collaborate in SURF's special interest groups (SIGs) with colleagues from other institutions. They share and develop knowledge on current IT themes in education and research.
Coordinating SURF Contacts (CSC)

Role of CSC

The CSC ensures good coordination between staff at the institution and SURF. CSCs advise their Executive Board on the direction of SURF and the match between supply and demand. Within their institution, they ensure that everyone knows that there is collaboration with SURF and who their first point of contact is within SURF. They also facilitate that the SURF organisation can liaise with the right people within the institution.

Sector consultation and coordination governance

The CSCs regularly consult with colleagues from their own sector within the sectoral CSC consultations. The CSCs advise the Members' Council each meeting on SURF's proposed decisions, with a written recommendation that they submit to the Members' Council via the secretary.

SURF serves 5 sectors: wo, hbo, mbo, umc and research. SURF's members in the members' council are divided into 6 sections: wo, hbo, mbo, umc, research and other members.

An advisor from SURF is present at each CSC sector consultation:

  • CSC-hbo: Jasper Distelbrink
  • CSC-mbo: Remco Rutten
  • CSC-wo: Roland Staring
  • CSC-umc: Marijn Bulten
  • CSC-research and other members: Ivo Reints and Marijn Bulten

The (vice) chairs of the 5 sector consultations regularly coordinate with each other. They also meet 4 times a year with SURF's Executive Board to discuss matters such as:

  • developments in the SURF services portfolio
  • rate developments
  • services provided by SURF
  • progress of innovation programmes
  • (annual and multi-annual plans
  • developments within SURF
  • cross-sector developments


The IT directors and information managers of the mbo institutions are united in the CSC-mbo consultation. In this, they fulfil the role of the SURF Coordinating Contact (CSC). 

Structure of the CSC-mbo consultation

The CSC-mbo consultation meets five times a year. And once a year, the CSCs meet for a 24-hour session to take more time to discuss a number of topics.

A member of SURF's Executive Board attends these meetings by invitation. The CSC-mbo is supported by the relationship manager mbo and a secretary from SURF.

MBO Digitaal participates in the consultation and is responsible for the articulation of demand in the field of digitisation. Kennisnet is an agenda member.

Agenda of the CSC-mbo consultation

Within the MBO institutions, the CSCs are closely involved in digitisation of education and business operations (IT and procurement). There is also a lot of informal exchange on a wide range of topics.

The agenda of each CSC consultation is drawn up in a meeting between the chair and vice-chair of the consultation, the two SPA members on behalf of MBO, a delegate on behalf of MBO Digital, the relationship manager for MBO and the secretary (both from SURF).

The members of CSC-mbo

  • Aeres - Rob Heij
  • Albeda - Karel Rijkse
  • Alfa-college - Rick van Borstelen
  • Aventus - Roy Dusink, also vice-chair
  • Christelijke Onderwijsgroep/ROC A12 - Bert Pik
  • CIBAP vocational school for design - Gerjan Venekamp
  • Curio - Martijn Henneke
  • Da Vinci College - Wouter Poortvliet
  • DCTerra - Gerard Jans
  • De Rooi Pannen - Herman Westerlaken
  • Deltion College - Arjan Scheve
  • Firda – Marcel ’t Hart
  • Gilde Opleidingen - Gerco Lenoir
  • Graafschap College - Monique Mulders
  • Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam - Paul Rehm
  • Graphic Lyceum Utrecht - Koen Hillen
  • Koning Willem 1 College - Willem Keller
  • Wood and Furnishings College - Sandjai Ramdhan
  • Landstede - Jacco Heikoop
  • Leidse Instrumentmakers School (LiS) - Stef Vink
  • Lentiz Onderwijsgroep - Rene Bosman
  • MBO Amersfoort - Arthur Wildenberg
  • MBO Utrecht - Richard Geluk, also member of the SPA
  • MBO Rhineland - Jaco Opschoor
  • Mediacollege - Rob Dekker
  • Nimeto - Alessio Jordaan
  • Noorderpoort - Wolter Oosterhof
  • Nova College - Ammar Al Barazi
  • Yonder - Peter Zeinstra
  • ROC Midden-Nederland - Pepijn de Vette
  • ROC Mondriaan - Marcel Kropmans
  • ROC Nijmegen - Arjan Teuwsen
  • ROC Rijn IJssel - Vincent van Hunnik
  • ROC Rivor - Jelle Kaper
  • ROC TOP - Pascal Pater
  • ROC van Amsterdam-Flevoland - Rene van den Berg, also chair
  • ROC van Twente - Rick Ruumpol
  • Scalda - Marjo Bos-Meijer
  • SintLucas - Erwin Huggers
  • Soma College - Niels ter Lintelo
  • SORG - Jurgen Schouten
  • STC Group - Ton Hoppener
  • Summa College - Joop van Helvoort
  • SVO Institute for Food - Adriaan Noteboom
  • Talland College - Dave Houtenbos
  • Ter AA - Hans Wijnen
  • Vista College - Leon Sprooten
  • Vonk - Danny van Gelder
  • Yonder - Ronald Manuhutu
  • Yuverta - Arno Hartman
  • Zadkine - Ronald Zeelenberg
  • Zone.college - René van Veen

Also participating as observers are Martijn Timmer (director MBO Digitaal) and Peter van Deukeren (Kennisnet).



The CIOs (or employees with a similar role) of the hbo are united in the CSC-hbo consultation. They fulfil the role of the SURF Coordinating Contact (CSC). The CSC-hbo consultation takes place monthly.

Structure of the CSC-HBO consultation group

The CSC-hbo consultation meets monthly at SURF in Utrecht or online.

Ron Augustus (member of SURF's Executive Board) attends these meetings by invitation. The CSC-hbo consultation is supported by the relationship manager for higher education and a secretary of SURF.

Agenda of the CSC-HBO consultations

Within the hbo institutions, the CSCs are responsible for the digitisation of education, research and business operations. There is also a lot of informal exchange on a wide range of topics, such as cybersecurity, IT architecture and educational logistics.

The agenda of each CSC meeting is prepared in the Executive Board, supplemented by the hbo relationship manager and the secretary.

Members of CSC-hbo

  • André Zandberg (Fontys University of Applied Sciences)
  • Anjo van Kelckhoven (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
  • Anne-Marie Haanstra (Iselinge University of Applied Sciences)
  • Anselm van Elk (Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences)
  • Arian Prins (Amsterdam School of the Arts)
  • Bert Kremer (ArtEZ University of the Arts)
  • Catrinus van der Meer (Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen)
  • Cees Plug (Inholland University of Applied Sciences)
  • Dik van Rhijn (University of the Arts The Hague)
  • Edgar van Gorkum (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences)
  • Eelko van Leeuwen (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences)
  • Emile Bijk (Utrecht School of the Arts)
  • Erna Kotkamp (Saxion)
  • Esther Dorrestijn (Police Academy)
  • Floor Visser (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)
  • Frank Kupers (Thomas More University of Applied Sciences)
  • Frans Kool (iPabo University of Applied Sciences)
  • Irene Tiepel (Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim)
  • Jan Barens (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences)
  • Jan Willem Akkermans (Kempel University of Applied Sciences)
  • Kees Codee (Driestar University of Applied Sciences
  • Omko Huizenga (Ede University of Applied Sciences)
  • Freek van Galen (Breda University of Applied Sciences)
  • Désirée van den Bergh (HAS Green Academy)
  • Rick van Sluijs (HZ University of Applied Sciences)
  • Roberto Barros Andrade (Codarts Rotterdam)
  • Stephan Buchel (Hotelschool The Hague)
  • Thijs Willems (Avans University of Applied Sciences)
  • Ton Kollee (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences)
  • Wouter Zwaan (Leiden University of Applied Sciences)


The universities' CIOs and/or IT directors are united in the CSC-wo consultation. CSC stands for Coordinating SURF Contacts. The CSC-wo consultations advise SURF's Executive Board on the SURF services portfolio and SURF's multi-year planning. There is also a lot of informal exchange on a wide range of topics.

As in other educational institutions, digitisation is crucial within the universities. There are also many scientific researchers working there, who place high demands on software, computing power, data storage, connections. This makes the IT challenges and solutions for universities different from many other (education) sectors. In addition, many issues are not limited to a single university.

Within universities, the CIOs are the SURF Coordinating Contact (CSC). At most universities, the role of CIO is filled by the IT director. To optimally organise the services provided by the university IT departments and SURF for academic lecturers and researchers, the CIOs are united in the CSC-wo consultation.

In the CSC-wo, both executive and strategic topics are discussed and, if necessary, concrete national agreements are made. For important themes, 1 or 2 CIOs have the role of linking pin, who have the mandate to speak on behalf of all CIOs. Through this working method, the CSC-wo has developed a strong position in relation to, for example, software suppliers, national policy institutions (e.g. NWO, VSNU, ministries) and SURF, including the Executive Board.

Structure of the consultation

The CSC-wo meets every month with the exception of the holiday months at SURF. A member of SURF's RvB attends these meetings as an observer. The CSC-wo is supported by the Senior Advisor Universities and a secretary of SURF.

The chairs meet periodically with the chairs of other sectoral CSC consultations (CSC-hbo, CSC-mbo and CSC-Research, UMC) and with SURF's Executive Board.

To strengthen mutual ties and to get inspiration from IT developments and applications at companies and fellow universities abroad, the CSCs make a trip abroad every other year. For example, the CSCs from wo:

  • United States: 6 - 13 May 2017
  • China: 6 - 14 April 2019
  • Enschede (due to covid19 travel restrictions): 12-14 April 2021

The CSC-wo maintains structural contacts with, among others:

  • UKB: Partnership of university libraries and the Royal Library
  • UPI: University Platform Procurement
  • VSNU: Association of Cooperating Dutch Universities

Members of CSC-wo

  • Jan-Paul van Staalduinen (Utrecht University) - chair
  • Iwan Holleman (Radboud University) - vice-chair
  • Ronald Stolk (University of Groningen)
  • Mert Albers (University of Twente)
  • Jan Jansen (Open University)
  • Frank Hendrickx (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Erik Scherff (Delft University of Technology)
  • Jan-Willem Brock (Leiden University)
  • Marita Keurentjes (Maastricht University)
  • Lex Welman (University of Amsterdam)
  • Corne van Nispen (Tilburg University)
  • Jan-Willem Vermeulen (Free University Amsterdam)
  • Wout van Wijngaarden (Erasmus University)
  • Luc Boelhouwer (Wageningen University)

No CSC, but special mention for participation in supporting committees:

  • Anke Breeuwsma (University of Groningen)
  • Jot van der Meijden (VU University Amsterdam)
  • Victor Viveen (Wageningen University)
  • Jacques Beursgens (Maastricht University)
  • Coen Glasbergen (Leiden University)
  • Robert van Enschot (Tilburg University)
  • Maarten Eemons (University of Amsterdam)

Strategic agenda of the CSC-wo

CIOs are closely involved in education and research within universities. This is also part of their role as CSC. From this substantive role, the following strategic spearheads have been identified for IT within universities. 

Public values Active participation in the debate on public values (justice, humanity and autonomy) in the university digital infrastructure and implementing national and local applications with a focus on public values and more data autonomy. Oversee the implementation of the UNL Public Values mission.
Security Guarantee a secure digital working environment for all university students, faculty, researchers and staff. Streamline security audits together with UCISOs.
Digitisation impulse education Together with education directors, ensure that this programme is well embedded in the universities and that national facilities match the university situation.
Flexibilisation of education Facilitate a digital study path for students across the borders of national and international universities. Including through a national architecture for IAM.
Online education and digital testing Contribute to a national infrastructure for place- and time-independent studying and testing.
Digitisation of research and Open Science In line with FAIR principles, support researchers with tools (RDM, VRE, repositories) and practices throughout the research cycle and digitisation of labs.
Supplier management More grip on suppliers of IT applications in view of unwanted cost development. In addition, protecting the university's crown jewels (teaching and research data) by ensuring compliance with European privacy and security legislation.
IT-innovation Keeping up with and applying IT innovations that potentially have a high impact on the primary education and research process, such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality and IoT (Internet of Things).


Special interest groups (SIGs)

IT innovation communities

SURF's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are knowledge communities (communities) around specific themes focusing on IT innovation in education and research. They form an extensive network of professionals involved in SURF's innovation projects and in disseminating the resulting knowledge.

Network of professionals

Within a special interest group, experts from education and research institutions and substantively interested parties form part of a community around a specific IT theme. Each SIG appoints one content expert as the SIG's chair, who acts as its first contact person. Every year, each SIG provides an annual plan with objectives, activities and intended results.

Enthusiastic? Get involved!

Are you interested in following one or more SIGs or becoming a member? You can do so by signing up on SURF Communities. Also contribute: react, discuss, share and find knowledge and contacts.

SURF's special interest groups are knowledge communities (communities) around specific themes focusing on IT innovation in education and research. Below you can read about which themes SURF has set up a SIG.

Artificial Intelligence

This starting SIG wants to bring together and expand knowledge and insights around artificial intelligence, both practical applications and ethical and social aspects.

Blended Learning

At many institutions, small or large steps are being taken to implement blended learning. How do you ensure that lecturers are supported in (re)designing education to a blended variant? How do you design the optimal blend? What exactly does not work and why not? The SIG Blended Learning is looking into these kinds of questions and the exchange and accessibility of this information.

Compute Resources for Life Science Research

The joint SURF-DTL SIG 'Compute Resources for Life Science Research' focuses on sharing knowledge and experiences in building and using a computing infrastructure for large-scale research projects in the life sciences.

Digital Testing

Digital testing is comprehensive and specialised. Knowledge sharing is therefore very useful. Join, via SURF Communities, the enthusiastic group of professionals in this SIG.

Digital Learning and Working Environment

How to improve student and teacher IT skills? On SURF Communities you can share, find and discuss knowledge around DLWE.

Green IT and sustainability

Greening IT, how can you do that? But also: how can we use IT to make education, research or operations more sustainable? Read, share and discuss along on SURF Communities.

Learning analytics

Learning analytics is about collecting, analysing and interpreting data about students in education. The data collected can be used to improve education. Check SURF Communities for the SIG Learning Analytics.

Learning Spaces

The SIG Learning Spaces promotes and structures cross-institutional sharing of expertise and knowledge on innovative Learning Spaces. Visit SURF Communities for more information on this SIG.

Media & Education

The SIG Media & Education focuses on (didactic) video applications within higher education. The members of the SIG follow trends and innovations and exchange knowledge. The SIG also focuses on copyright, privacy, metadata and smart reuse of open video materials. Previously, the Media & Education SIG was split into two SIGs, namely Weblectures and WEBstroom.

Educational logistics

Educational logistics help to educate students at a high level in the shortest possible learning pathways, making optimal use of teachers, locations and learning resources. Check SURF Communities for the SIG Educational Logistics.

Open Education

Open Education facilitates and promotes community building, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, collaboration and vision creation regarding open education within higher education in the Netherlands. On SURF Communities you will find news, relevant resources and conference blogs.

Secure Data Linkage

The Safe Data Linking special interest group focuses on the safe exchange and linking of personal data for research purposes.


Do you want to stay informed about educational initiatives on serious gaming, simulations and virtual worlds? Then follow the SIG Virtuality.


Information from 'big data'? Visualisation can help you. Looking for contact with (other) visualisation experts or visualisation tips and tools? Then join the Visualisation SIG.