At the SURF Security and Privacy Conference, you'll learn all about current security and privacy topics in education and research. The conference addresses both technical aspects as well as policy and legal issues. In 2025, we will be hosted by Zadkine mbo in Rotterdam.

- Zadkine mbo, Rotterdam
About the SURF Security- en Privacyconferention
Are you a security expert, information security officer, privacy officer or FG at an educational institution in mbo, hbo or wo? Then don't miss the SURF Security and Privacy Conference! At this 2-day conference you will hear all about current security and privacy issues, with attention to both technical and policy as well as legal aspects.
The SURF Security and Privacy Conference is organised by SURF and SURFcert together with the SCIPR and SCIRT communities.
The SURFcert team provides support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the event of security incidents from our experts. They also developed tools that allow you to optimise security at your institution. This way, we can minimize the inconvenience caused by DDoS attacks together.
SCIRT community
SCIRT is the community for operational security experts. The members discuss current security challenges and exchange the latest tips & tricks with peers. SCIRT stands for SURF Community of Incident Response Teams.
SCIPR community
Information security officers and privacy officers in education work together in the SCIPR community. The members together draw up policies and guidelines to improve the information security and privacy of your institution. SCIPR stands for SURF Community for Information Security and Privacy.