Flexible education organisation
Students expect convenience and freedom of choice, to study what they want, in their own time, place and pace. As long as they study, but also in lifelong development. Institutions should offer flexibility where students ask for it, for instance making the education offer more flexible, facilitating student mobility and issuing digital certificates.
Hogeschool Leiden

Flexible education organisation

The ambition is for students and professionals to be in charge of, and responsible for, their own development by 2027. They can compile their own educational programme with offerings from within and outside their own institution. Lifelong development is the new normal. How will SURF achieve this goal together with institutions?

How does flexible education benefit the student?

Flexible education is not based on a fixed training program, but is tailored to the wishes and preferences of the student. Students take control of their own educational career and expect optimal facilitation from the institution. There should be as few barriers as possible for students, regardless of their own route and choice of course or institution. It allows students to determine their own learning path and offers them freedom of choice.

Which challenges do institutions face?

Organizing flexible (more) education requires agility from an educational organization. What does this require of the institution and education?


What does SURF do to support flexible educational processes?

Student mobility

To give students insight into the educational offerings of all institutions, SURF, together with institutions and national chain partners, Studielink, DUO and RIO, is developing an infrastructure that supports student mobility and lifelong development. The pilot Studentmobility of the Versnellingsplan which started the end of 2021.

A basic facility is available to relieve institutions of the administrative burden: SURFeduhub. This allows institutions to exchange the necessary education data and (personal) data in a secure and reliable manner to enable student mobility. SURF will also develop standards and make agreements at national and international level to ensure that the exchange of information across institutions becomes possible.

Student identity

To facilitate location-independent education, it is desirable that students are uniquely identifiable across institutions. This way, different institutions can be sure that they are dealing with the same student. Within SURF we investigate whether 1 student identity, a eduID, that can help realise the wishes of educational institutions, courses and students. This also requires technical preconditions and legal and administrative agreements.

Digital certification

SURF is working on an edubadge infrastructure to enable micro-credentialing with digital certification. As an institution, you can then digitally certify your offering in smaller units, with the result that students receive digital certificates for successfully completing these smaller units. SURF provides the service edubadges. This service can also be used within the pilot Microcredentials of the Versnellingsplan.

National approach to flexible education

Visual Technologie voor flexibilisering

SURF is working on a national approach to organising flexible education from the needs of students. The infographic shows from the perspective of students what wishes they have and what solutions SURF has to provide the desired flexibility.

Download the infographic

Process plate from the student's perspective


By starting from the student's perspective, it is possible to see which educational processes are connected, so that consequences of choices for the design of processes become clear. Use the process map to get started with your institution.

Download the process map