Study data & learning analytics
Analysis of study data can help to support students more effectively and efficiently. How do you use this study data in a safe and reliable way to improve education? With learning analytics, study data can be converted into valuable reports, for both teachers and students.
Studiedata Battle of concepts
Germaine Poot

Germaine Poot

AVG and ethics

How do institutions use study data in a safe and reliable way to improve education? In terms of laws and regulations, the use of study data raises questions. What are we allowed and willing to do with data from and about students?

Guide to the AVG

Vrouw achter laptop

Does your institution want to start using learning analytics? Would you like help determining what is allowed with student data? The manual describes in a practical way the influence of the Personal Data Protection Act on learning analytics. So you can immediately oversee the privacy implications.

Learning analytics in 5 steps: a guide to the AVG


The use of study data requires institutions to make ethical considerations. Internationally, several codes of ethics have been developed for the use of study data. A good example is the Jisc code of ethics. The acceleration plan, together with SURF, the institutions and ethical experts, is developing an ethical code for the use of study data in the Dutch context. If educational institutions want to use study data, it is important to at least comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). The AVG sets high requirements for the use of study data.

Podcast Data and Ethics in Education

Podcast SURF sounds

In a data-driven world, how do ethics come into play? And what does this mean for education? Germaine Poot, project leader Learning Analytics interviewed Miriam Rasch, philosopher and author of the book 'Friction, Ethics in times of dataism' from publisher De Bezige Bij, on this subject.

Listen to the podcast

Privacy and ethics reference framework for study data

Under the direction of the Safe and Secure Use of Study Data zone, the 'Privacy and Ethics Reference Framework for Study Data' has been drawn up. The reference framework serves to give everyone studying or working in higher education the confidence that study data is handled carefully and securely. The umbrella organisations Association of Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities of the Netherlands have also embraced the Frame of Reference.

During the development of the Reference Framework, the zone developed a dilemma game. A game that facilitates and brings to life the dialogue on the responsible use of study data.

Game and Reference Framework privacy and ethics for study data