Study data & learning analytics
Analysis of study data can help to support students more effectively and efficiently. How do you use this study data in a safe and reliable way to improve education? With learning analytics, study data can be converted into valuable reports, for both teachers and students.
Studiedata Battle of concepts
Germaine Poot

Germaine Poot


Study dates & AI

What do study data and artificial intelligence mean for each other in education?

Artificial intelligence en machine learning

SURF loopt vooraan als het gaat om het toepassen van AI in onderzoek. Ook kijken we naar de mogelijkheden voor onderwijs en ict-dienstverlening.

Meer weten?

Promises of AI in Education

Promises of AI in Education

AI technologies are shaping the educational landscape in different ways. The better we understand these technologies, the better we can apply them in education. This report provides an overview of the educational landscape by analysing AI with concrete examples of existing applications in the educational context.

Download the report

AI in Education

This start-up Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to bring together and build knowledge and insights around artificial intelligence, both practical applications, and ethical and societal aspects.

Join this SIG