Security services and tools

Students, lecturers, researchers and institutions all benefit from a secure online environment. Security services can help in this regard. They have many benefits. SURF ensures that your services are cost-effective and secure. These services are developed especially for and by institutions.

Jongen achter computer te zien waarbij zijn ogen net boven het scherm uitkomen

Network security services


SURFcert offers your institution 24/7 support in the event of security incidents. SURFcert also deploys tools and resources to optimise security within institutions.


SURFcertificaten offers different types of certificates to users of member institutions. Certificates are important for good IT security: they encrypt information between the browser and the server and can add signatures to documents or software.


SURFmailfilter allows you to easily check and filter all incoming and outgoing email to avoid viruses, phishing and spam. At least 95% of spam is detected. SURFmailfilter runs at SURFnet and is available for IPv4 and IPv6.

Information security policy and tools

We work together with institutions to develop common policies and tools. We support education institutions in striking a balance between security, privacy assurance, accessibility and usability. And we create and maintain information security guidelines and starter kits.