Procurement & contracting
We buy ict and content on the best possible terms and make sure you can use it easily. We also support you in procurement processes we carry out jointly for institutions.
Close-up handen man achter laptop met bomen en planten op de achtergrond

We aggregate the demand and need at institutions and purchase software and hardware on this basis.

Maaike Hazewinkel

Maaike Hazewinkel


Microsoft Inspiration and Innovation Programme (MIIP)

In addition to the Microsoft agreement 2022-2026, the SURF consortium has signed another multi-year agreement with Microsoft. This non-binding agreement, aimed at promoting intensive mutual cooperation, is the Microsoft Inspiration and Innovation Programme, MIIP for short.

View the Microsoft 365 Copilot FAQ

MIIP agenda

  • View our agenda for future SURF MIIP events (recognizable by the addition MIIP).
  • Would you like to watch presentations and recordings of MIIP webinars? To do so, consult the page Customer Service > Services > MIIP | on My SURF (behind login).
SURF & Microsoft MIIP

What does MIIP mean for SURF members?

Through events, workshops, webinars and other interactive activities, we share relevant knowledge about available Microsoft technology. Goal: to benefit the education sector.

  • Institutions, SURF, Microsoft and partners work together.
  • We support institutions to get the most out of their investments.
  • SURF members influence the joint agenda.
  • We focus on both operation, innovation and transformation.

The MIIP focuses on three pillars

  • Operational Excellence: exploring opportunities and working together to maximise value. Awareness of security measures to be taken for institutions, teachers and students alike.
  • Innovation: joint innovation and skills programmes on Microsoft 365, Azure and Dynamics 365
  • Transformation of education: towards personalised learning.

Want MIIP?

Do you have topics that are currently missing, that you would like to see on the agenda or are insufficiently covered? Would you like to share lessons learned with other institutions? Let us know:

  • Vendor Portfolio via e-mail By phone, we can be reached at +31 88 787 37 01 on weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Who are involved and how do we help each other?

  • Microsoft is investing in best practices, resources and skills programmes for teachers, students and institutions.
  • SURFconsortium - consisting of SURF B.V., APS IT-diensten B.V. and SLB Diensten B.V. - is the driving and coordinating force to make the programme scalable to the needs of educational institutions.
  • Educational institutions mainly invest time and attention, provide input, participate in pilots and thus cooperate in best practices.
  • If required,Microsoft Certified Partners help build, test and implement innovative projects and share the results of the projects and solutions with all institutions.