Call for proposals National XR Day 2024

*** Call for proposals=closed***

The call for proposals for the National XR Day has closed (the deadline was April 4, 2024). Submitters have received feedback.

Submission guidelines

Submissions match the theme of education and research into XR and/or its applications, and preferably target a broad audience. Participants of National XR Day will be a mix of different roles and backgrounds. Also, the audience will come from the different sectors of the SURF community: mbo, hbo, wo, UMC and Research+. We aim for tracks on education, research, technology & development, healthcare and public values.


Example topics :

  • Use cases or applications of XR in education
  • Use of XR as a research tool
  • Research on novel XR forms or technologies that can be useful for the SURF community
  • Practical aspects of implementing XR in an education/research setting
  • Policy aspects related to the use of XR, regarding privacy, security, inclusivity, etc.
  • Creative / artistic use of XR
  • XR projects by members of the SURF community involving external parties
Program committee
Name Organization
Jan-Willem van 't Klooster University of Twente
Carole Grootenboer SURF
Paul Melis SURF
Matthijs van Veen Saxion University of Applied Sciences


Questions? Please contact