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New service: eduID - a single digital identity for education and research

What do the student who wants to take a minor at another university and the guest lecturer at an MBO have in common? They both use eduID: one digital institution-independent identity for education and research. Since 1 January, eduID has been available as a SURF service.

Why eduID?

eduID plays a role in making education more flexible: students want more freedom to put together their own curriculum, both inside and outside their own educational institution. This creates logistical and administrative challenges for institutions. With an institution-independent identity, eduID, students can easily register for a subject or minor at other educational institutions. Institutions can also use eduID to give guest researchers, internship supervisors, alumni, professionals and other external parties secure access to their applications.

Applications eduID

In recent years, we have gained experience with various applications of eduID. For instance, it is used in edubadges, the platform for digital certificates for Dutch education. With eduID, students can identify themselves and receive the institution's badge. Students can also register for a course or minor at another institution with one click as part of student mobility. Registering and giving permission for digital data sharing between two institutions is done with eduID. The ultimate goal is for students to be able to register and/or apply at any institution.

Interested in eduID?

Then contact Peter Clijsters, product manager eduID, at

More information

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