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Nine tech reading tips for summer

The first season of the podcast SURF Short is over! In each episode, an expert from SURF updates you on the latest technological developments in education and research. Finally, they give a reading, watching or listening tip to deepen your understanding of the topic. Here is the complete list to enjoy on your summer break!
Tip 1 about ChatGPT


Stop feeding the hype and start resisting

tip by Vivian van Oijen, machine learning expert at SURF

link: https://irisvanrooijcogsci.com/2023/01/14/stop-feeding-the-hype-and-start-resisting/

Tip 2 about Mastodon


Mastodon in 180 seconds

tip by Wladimir Mufty, programme manager Public Values at SURF

link: youtu.be/5bgQie_1v-4

Tip 3 on Cyber crisis


Darknet diaries

tip from Charlie van Genuchten, cyber crisis expert at SURF

link: darknetdiaries.com

Tip 4 about Blended Learning

Blog series:

The science behind blended education

tip by Annette Peet education innovation specialist at SURF

link: communities.surf.nl/blended-learning

Tip 5 on Edge computing


How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination

tip by David Sálek, data processing advisor at SURF

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoBUXOOdLXY

Tip 6 on self-sovereign identity


The blockchain, a solution to almost nothing

tip by Niels van Dijk, technical product manager trust & identity at SURF

link: https://decorrespondent.nl/12682/de-blockchain-een-oplossing-voor-bijna-niets/d773d784-0a01-0988-320a-8f62bde65f56

Tip 7 about XR

Magazine (coming out soon):

XR Glossy

tip from Paul Melis, visualisation consultant

link: Coming soon!

Tip 8 on Quantum computing


Quantum computers: what are they good for

tip by Ariana Torres-Knoop, advisor quantum computing at SURF

link: www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-01692-9

Tip 9 on Advanced computing


Chip war: Fight for the world's most critcal technology

tip by Sagar Dolas, programme manager future computing & networking at SURF

link: https://www.christophermiller.net/semiconductors-1

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