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SURF widens collaboration with NVIDIA to advance AI and High Performance Computing

SURF’s next-generation NVIDIA-accelerated Snellius supercomputer will enable breakthrough innovation for Dutch researchers and push the boundaries of scale and performance for advanced AI and HPC workloads.

New AI and high performance computing solutions can help researchers achieve their scientific breakthroughs faster. SURF is working with NVIDIA to advance the fields of AI and high performance computing, and facilitate scientific progress and enhance research capabilities.

The potential focus areas for this collaboration include:  ● Optimization of large-scale applications through GPU utilization and co-creation with application developers.

● Integration of high performance computing and AI technologies through special projects.

● Exploration of cloud-native supercomputing technologies to push the boundaries of computing capabilities.

● Provision of educational programs like courses and workshops to empower users in utilizing these technologies effectively.

Enhancing the Dutch research sector through advanced AI and high performance computing

The overall goal of this exploration is to empower the research sector in the Netherlands by leveraging state-of-the-art hardware and software solutions in AI, high performance computing, virtualization, and visualization. For example, the national supercomputer Snellius, which already features NVIDIA GPUs, is slated to receive further enhancements with energy-efficient improvements in 2024.

In addition, SURF plans to work with NVIDIA on making innovative scientific research projects that incorporate the above technologies widely available, fostering greater access and collaboration within the research community.

This prospective collaboration represents a significant step towards unlocking new frontiers in research and pushing the boundaries of what is possible through AI and high performance computing technologies.

More information?

Want to know more? Contact Valeriu Codreanu, SURF | High Performance Computing & Visualization.