Month of AI in education marked by explore, change and connect

Every year, June is all about AI in education. Numerous free events are organised throughout the month, throughout the country and online. Inspiration guaranteed!

Header Maand van AI in Onderwijs 2024

What are your needs?

  • Get informed by reliable knowledge partners such as SURF, SIG AED, Kennisnet, NOLAI, Npuls and the Dutch AI Coalition.
  • Contribute actively to changing our education and collaborate with experts in the field.
  • Exchange views with other professionals inside and outside your sector or industry on the opportunities and risks of AI in education.

What's on the programme?

Every week, online and live on-site events are organised on AI in education. Maybe even in your area. We are working together on a well-filled programme, from mid-April it will be presented and added to. Keep an eye on it!

View the current programme

Also contribute to the programme?

Are you organising an (online) meeting on AI in education in June, or publishing an article, blog or podcast? Together we know more, and together we learn more.

Register your event before 30 April 2024

Who are we?

Een groep krijgt een training in Hybrid Cloud

MVAI is a joint initiative of Kennisnet, Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), Npuls, NOLAI, SURF and the special interest group AI in Education, (SIG AIED). This is the fourth time the Month of AI in Education is being organised