Get access to quantum!

Are we at the beginning of the quantum era? At SURF we think so! Are you a researcher or student and interested in quantum computing? We invite you to join us in further discovering what quantum computing can do. Apply for credits in this pilot phase of 'Access to Quantum Technologies', and run your experiments on real hardware!

Quantum computing

What is the project about?

We are in a crucial moment to further develop our knowledge in quantum technologies and their applications and to educate ourselves on how quantum computers work, what they can do (or not) and in general prepare ourselves in the best possible way to use this emerging technology to our advantage. At SURF, we want to explore, experiment and learn together how this game-changing technology can benefit research and education.

In this pilot phase, we want to provide our members with easy, uniform and integrated (with other SURF services) access to different quantum computing technologies while at the same time learn:

- how and what users can do with quantum computers

- how to best provision the resources to them.

Which quantum computers are available?

Currently, we are granting access to AWS and Azure Quantum (coming soon Quantum Inspire!). Both AWS and Quantum Azure have contracts with several quantum computing providers and therefore, by providing access to AWS and Azure users will get access to a range of quantum computing backends.

AWS: IONQ, Rigetti, Dwave, OQC, Xanadu

Azure: IONQ, Rigetti, Quantinuum, QCI, Pasqal

In both cases, you can also get access to the quantum simulators of the different backends.

How does it work?

All researchers in the Netherlands are invited to apply for access using the form below. 

Describe in the proposal: the project, the people involved and preferentially also the status of the idea (e.g. has it been tested in emulators? Has it been run before on another quantum computer? Do you know which backend you want to test?).

If granted, the applicant will get access to SURF Research Cloud, from where the quantum computers can be reached, and a budget (credits to be used in the public cloud provider and the quantum backends it is connected to). The budget will be decided on a project basis with a maximum of 10,000 euros.

More information about the SURF Research Cloud Quantum Pilot on the wiki.

Apply? Please fill in the form below: