Public values: condition for digital transformation

Educational and research institutions are working hard to provide a safe digital environment for students and staff. They are faced with a dilemma: how do they guarantee security, autonomy and inclusion, while their dependence on dominant commercial parties is growing? Together, we explore, discuss and form visions in order to make informed decisions.
AI illustratie door AI gegenereerd Education and research institutions learning with technology and public values

Responsible tech: how we ensure new technologies meet public values

How do we deal with new technologies responsibly, for example in a way that respects public values? By discussing this, we can shape technologies that preserve autonomy, justice and humanity. SURF's publication Responsible Tech cuts the discussion further and provides tools that you can apply immediately.

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Thumbnail Digitale identiteit hoe houden we zelf de controle

Hoe houden we controle op onze digitale identiteit?

Identity & access management (IAM) staat inmiddels hoog op de agenda binnen onderwijs en onderzoek. Er zijn steeds meer applicaties en platformen voor ons beschikbaar en die kunnen we veelal niet gebruiken zonder onze digitale identiteit. In deze video zie je wat wij als sector op dit thema al met elkaar hebben bereikt en wat wij belangrijk vinden. Digitale identiteit: hoe houden we, nu en in de toekomst, zelf de controle?

Bekijk de video

Ingang van het hoofdkantoor van Nextcloud in Berlijn

Baas over eigen data met open-sourcesamenwerkingsplatform

Samenwerken in documenten of directe onderlinge communicatie over de grenzen van instellingen heen, is vaak nog lastig. Toch willen onderzoekers, docenten en andere medewerkers van instellingen dat steeds vaker. Drie maanden lang hebben we daarom samen met een aantal leden geëxperimenteerd op het open-sourceplatform Nextcloud.

“Autonomie behouden is een belangrijke ambitie die wij als onderwijs- en onderzoeksector met elkaar hebben afgesproken en hierin zetten we continu stappen. Het is niet de makkelijkste weg, maar met initiatieven als de Nextcloud-proeftuin of Mastodon-pilot blijven we publieke waarden agenderen."

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Mastdon op mobiele telefoon

Mastodon pilot for research and education

Most social media decide for themselves what is and what is not allowed on their platform. Mastodon is different. It is open source and consists of a decentralised network of Mastodon servers that are interconnected. SURF is committed to exploring the possibilities of this social medium for Dutch education and research. With an eye for public values. Read about the pilot and how to get started with an account.

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Twee studentes met laptop op schoot op een bankje

Values Compass - The Game. Discuss dilemmas of digitisation

Open the conversation about public values with 'Values Compass - The Game'. The board game and online game cards help to guide the conversation about digitisation, including dilemmas, values and ethical considerations. You discuss digitisation issues from the perspective of public values in a way that’s fun, practical and accessible.

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Sprekers aan een tafel

"It's about whether you are willing to act on public values"

SURF is joining PublicSpaces, a coalition of public organisations from the cultural and media sectors that is committed to protecting public values in the digital age. Geert-Jan Bogaerts of PublicSpaces and Jet de Ranitz of SURF explain why the alliance makes sense.  

Read the article >

Jongen achter computer

Article Educational digitisation requires protection of public values

In this article, Iris Huis in 't Veld, Advisor for Educational Innovation and Public Values at SURF, and Bart Bosma, Advisor for Information Security at SURF, argue that public values such as autonomy, accessibility, inclusiveness, security, and privacy are fundamental aspects of shaping a robust socio-technical educational environment. The article is published in the book Multidisciplinaire aspecten van digital security (2022).

Read the article (in Dutch)

Opname seminar publieke waarden in de studio

Talking about public values

With a series of 7 online seminars for board members in education and research, SURF is initiating the discussion about how we as a sector can join forces to protect public values in IT. We look back on the seminar series with some of the administrators present in 3 SURF Magazine articles and a column by philosopher Marjan Slob.

Cover WaardenWijzer Engels

Value Framework for education and research

The ongoing digital transformation in education offers many advantages, but at the same time, it puts critical public values under pressure. This trend is increasing the need to re-examine public values, for example in terms of privacy, security, reliability, transparency, autonomy and democratic decision-making.

Value Framework for education and research

studenten lopen rond in instelling

Reaction to the open letter "Moving to the Cloud, look before you leap"

We share the concerns expressed in ACCSS's open letter. SURF has been discussing them with its members for some time now and is taking action in various ways. 

Read the reaction of the University CIOs >

Publieke toegang tot informatie en regie op digitalisering

Public organisations call attention to the Dutch Parliament for public access to information and public control of digitisation

Both subjects must be high on the government's agenda. In a letter to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Digital Affairs (DiZa), various organisations, including SURF, point out the urgency of this task.

Read the article >

Videobellen in vergaderzaal

Google Workspace in education

We have reached agreement with Google on a comprehensive set of contractual, organisational and technical measures concerning the use of Workspace for Education Plus and Workspace Education Fundamentals by educational institutions in the Netherlands. Given the importance of the use of Google services in educational institutions, SURF and SIVON will continue to monitor Google on behalf of the education sector.

Read more >

Groep mensen staand voor een groot scherm met elkaar in overleg

SURF and public values

Since its establishment, SURF has been guided by important public values such as accessibility, reliability, freedom of choice, and privacy. How are these values intertwined with SURF's activities? 

SURF and public values

Christien Bok keynote OWD

Gather or be devoured

During the SURF Education Days 2019, Christien Bok (impulse manager for educational innovation at SURF) gave a keynote in which she called on higher education to quickly reach agreements on open standards. To prevent being devoured by the big platforms and the Big Five.

Watch keynote Gather or be devoured (in Dutch)

Read keynote Gather or be devoured (in Dutch)