Trend Report Future Campus

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Future Campus trend report: a look at the future of the campus in 2040

This SURF trend report describes thirteen key trends affecting campus development in senior secondary vocational, higher vocational and university education in 2040. Valuable for developing future scenarios ('futuring')! The trends were drawn up by various experts from educational, technological and accommodation perspectives.

Predicting the future is impossible. But for long-term policy in particular, it is important to prepare for possible futures as an institution. By describing the following thirteen trends, SURF offers an overview of possible developments in education. Use them for inspiration for your campus innovation!

  1. Rise of blended, hybrid and online education
  2. Growing commitment to lifelong learning
  3. Far-reaching flexibilisation and personalisation of education
  4. Growing importance of well-being, socialisation and inclusiveness
  5. Ever smarter buildings and better infrastructure
  6. Growing importance of and commitment to sustainability and green campus initiatives
  7. Far-reaching digitalisation and datafication of education and the learning/working environment
  8. Growing importance of ethical awareness and safeguarding public values around technology use in education
  9. Changing role of the teacher and his/her skills
  10. Low change competence of educational organisations
  11. Increasing cross-sector and/or interdisciplinary cooperation
  12. Increasing internationalisation and globalisation
  13. Flattening population growth, increasing diversity and ageing population

Download the trend report (available in Dutch and English) below to be inspired by its full content.

"Much of our thinking of the future is linear, and based on extending currently existing trends. But trends slow, accelerate, bend and break. Unforeseen events can disrupt even long-standing trends. Opinions differ on historical developments and, even when there is agreement, the future is rarely just a smooth continuation of past patterns. Moreover, we do not know in advance which trends will continue and which will change course, or in what context. Sometimes, we
can just be plain wrong."
(OECD, 2022)

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